Beamline Layout

Layout Schematics

The following figures show the 30-ID beamline layout for the HERIX spectrometer:

S30 Beamline


S30 beamline layout


Individual Stations

There are three stations at sector 30 accommodating different components used for the inelastic x-ray scattering (HERIX and NRS):

  • Station A (FOE): contains white beam components and high-heat-load monochromator (HHLM)
  • Station B: houses the high-resolution monochromator (HRM) for both HERIX and NRS spectrometers, including focusing optics and sample environments for Sn-isotope experiments
  • Station C: contains the HERIX spectrometer, including focusing optics, sample environments and analyzer system
Additional Information

Detailed discussions for Sector 30 instrumentation can be found in the following publications: