7ID-C Hutch

The laser-pump x-ray diffraction probe station at APS beamline 7ID

Pump-probe diffraction

7ID-C diffractometerThe 7ID-C hutch hosts many of the time-resolved experiments at the sector.  The Huber six-circle “psi” diffractometer can handle samples at ambient conditions as well as elevated and cryogenic temperatures.  Focusing with KB mirrors is available. Common detectors for time-resolved experiments include avalanche photodiodes and area detectors which can be electronically gated to isolate individual x-ray bunches.  Delays between the laser and x-ray pulses are generated entirely electronically, with the use of computer-controlled digital phase shifters so that delays from 20 ps to 1 ms can be achieved without the use of optical delay lines.

Time resolve x-ray diffraction data from 7ID-CThe geometry calculations for the psi-circle or 4S+2D diffractometer were worked out by Hoydoo You of Argonne's Materials Science Division and have been integrated into spec.

Multimodal Imaging Instrument

7ID-C nanoprobeThe 7ID-C hard x-ray nanoprobe uses Fresnel zone plates to achieve a spatial resolution of 300 nm.  This can be used to resolve small features on a sample.  It can also be used to examine the evolution of a sample subject to a spatially inhomogeneous excitation, via a transient optical grating, shown schematically at right.

Along with optical probes, electrical pulses are used to study thin-film dynamics on the nanosecond timescale.  Furthermore, techniques are being developed to produce a high-field THz source to provide a novel tool to track structural dynamics.

Selected Publications from 7ID-C
  • Optical creation of a supercrystal with three-dimensional nanoscale periodicity, V.A. Stoica, N. Laanait, C. Dai, Z. Hong, Y. Yuan, Z. Zhang, S. Lei, M.R. McCarter, A. Yadav, A.R. Damodaran, S. Das, G.A. Stone, J. Karapetrova, D.A. Walko, X. Zhang, L.W. Martin, R. Ramesh, L.-Q. Chen, H. Wen, V. Gopalan, J.W. Freeland , Nature Materials  18, 377 (2019).
  • Mesoscopic structural phase progression in photo-excited VO2 revealed by time-resolved x-ray diffraction microscopy, Yi Zhu, Zhonghou Cai, Pice Chen, Qingteng Zhang, Matthew J. Highland, Il Woong Jung, Donald A. Walko, Eric M. Dufresne, Jaewoo Jeong, Mahesh G. Samant, Stuart S.P. Parkin, John W. Freeland, Paul G. Evans, Haidan Wen, Scientific Reports  6, 21999 (2016).
  • Strong lattice correlation of non-equilibrium quasiparticles in a pseudospin-1/2 Mott insulator Sr2IrO4, Yuelin Li, Richard D. Schaller, Mengze Zhu, Donald A. Walko, Jungho Kim, Xianglin Ke, Ludi Miao, and Z.Q. Mao, Scientific Reports  6, 19302 (2016).
  • Femtosecond Laser Pulse Driven Melting in Gold Nanorod Aqueous Colloidal Suspension: Identification of a Transition from Stretched to Exponential Kinetics, Yuelin Li, Zhang Jiang, Xiao-Min Lin, Haidan Wen, Donald A. Walko, Sanket A. Deshmukh, Ram Subbaraman, Subramanian K.R.S. Sankaranarayanan, Stephen K. Gray, and Phay Ho, Scientific Reports 5, 8146 (2015)
  • Electronic Origin of Ultrafast Photoinduced Strain in BiFeO3, Haidan Wen, P. Chen, M.P. Cosgriff, D.A. Walko, J.H. Lee, C. Adamo, R.D. Schaller, J.F. Ihlefeld, E.M. Dufresne, D.G. Schlom, P.G. Evans, J.W. Freeland, and Yuelin Li, Physical Review Letters 110, 037601 (2013)
  • Transient crystalline superlattice generated by a photoacoustic transducer, A.Loether, Y. Gao, Z. Chen, M.F. DeCamp, E.M. Dufresne, D.A. Walko, and Haidan Wen, Structural Dynamics 1, 024301 (2014)
  • Field-Dependent Domain Distortion and Interlayer Polarization Distribution in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices, P. Chen, M.P. Cosgriff, Q. Zhang, S.J. Callori, B.W. Adams, E.M. Dufresne, M. Dawber, and P.G. Evans, Physical Review Letters 110, 047601 (2013)
  • Probing Unfolded Acoustic Phonons with X Rays, M. Trigo, Y. M. Sheu, D. A. Arms, J. Chen,1 S. Ghimire, R. S. Goldman, E. Landahl, R. Merlin, E. Peterson, M. Reason, and D. A. Reis, Physical Review Letters 101, 025505 (2008)
  • Coherent Control of Pulsed X-ray Beams, M.F. DeCamp, D.A. Reis, P.H. Bucksbaum, B. Adams, J.M. Caraher, C.W. Conover, E.M. Dufresne, R. Merlin, V. Stoica, and J. Wahlstrand, Nature 413, 825 (2001)
  • Probing Impulsive Strain Propagation with X-ray Pulses, D.A. Reis, M.F. DeCamp, P.H. Bucksbaum, R. Clarke, E. Dufresne, M. Hertlein, R. Merlin, R. Falcone, H. Kapteyn, M.M. Murnane, J. Larsson, Th. Missalla, and J.S. Wark, Physical Review Letters 86, 3072 (2001)