Information for Users

Basic information for APS users and prospective users.  Please see the APS users information page, including "My APS Portal," for further details.
Obtaining Beamtime

Beam time at the APS is awarded competitively, generally via the General User Proposal (GUP) system. Calls for GUPs are issued three times a year.  When a GUP is first submitted, it is rated by the appropriate Proposal Review Panel (PRP) and may be granted time by the Beamtime Allocation Committee (BAC).  GUPs remain valid for up to two years or until they have used up the amount of beam time that was allocated to them.

If a GUP is not allocated beam time in a given cycle, or does not use all of the beam time allocated to it, then users can submit a Beam Time Request (BTR) in future cycles.  The BTR will not be reviewed by a PRP again.  If the GUP's previous BTR was granted beam time, then it will be evaluated with its given score.  But if a GUP's last BTR was not allocated beam time, its score will improve by 0.2 (this improvement can happen up to two times).

Please contact the beamline staff with any questions or for help in preparing your proposal.  Most successful proposals include input from beamline staff.


Safety is of utmost importance to Argonne, to APS, and to Beamline 7ID.

All experimental work at the APS must be reviewed and approved before commencing.  Generally this occurs thru the Experimental Safety Assessment Form (ESAF).  ESAFs must be submitted at least seven (7) days before an experiment is scheduled to begin; more time should be allowed for experiments with elevated hazards, especially if new safety protocols are required.

Be certain that your ESAF is explicit and thorough regarding the materials to be used, the equipment that will be brought to the APS (especially any equipment that needs electrical inspection), the steps needed to set up the experiment, the use of laboratories, and the scope of the experimental work.  No work will be allowed without a signed and posted ESAF.  If the scope of work changes from what is listed on the ESAF, the experiment must be halted until the ESAF is reevaluated and reapproved.  Details for filling out an ESAF can be found here.

Shipping to Argonne

For detailed information on shipping, especially for hazardous materials and foreign shipments, please see the relevant APS information.

Non-hazardous materials and equipment may be shipped directly to the beamline.  Address them as follows:

User Name
c/o Beamline Contact and/or Don Jensen
APS Sector 7, Bldg. 432
9700 South Cass Avenue
Lemont, IL 60439

Please contact the beamline staff or APS safety staff for assistance.

Site Access

Beam time allocation is distinct from gaining access to the Argonne site.  Refer to the APS website on site access for detailed instructions.  Please ensure that all experimenters are registered as APS Users, with sufficient lead time before your beam time.  Unregistered users will likely be denied site access.

All users must also complete all necessary training courses before an ESAF is posted and the experiment may begin.  The core courses can be done remotely, before arriving at Argonne, via "My APS Portal."  (Sector Orientation must be performed in person; this is the only course that can be delayed for persons not on site at the start of beam time.)

Again, please contact the beamline staff or APS safety staff with any questions or if any help is needed.

While at Argonne
After Beam time

Please be sure to clean up your experiment and any beamline facilities which were used.

A chemical waste log must be properly and completely filled out for all chemical waste that is generated.  The form and instructions are available here; you can fill it out electronically.  A filled-in example can be found here.

Properly prepare your items for return shipment.

One member of the research team (probably the PI or the on-site spokesperson) should promptly submit an End of Experiment Form.

Inform the beamline staff of any publications which are based on work done at 7ID.