(AES-IS) - Database Applications

Argonne DOE-BES Central User Facility
Beamline Component Database
System to manage beamline components.
Beamline Entry Administration
Links to the beamline websites and to detailed information about the equipment, techniques and contact information of a beamline.
Beamline Downtime Report - UES
Floor coordinator’s downtime entry and reporting system.
Beamline Downtime Report
Beamline Downtime Report - Main Control Room
Beamline Usage and Scheduling System
Long term schedule query and edit. Beamline schedule query and edit. Watchman and PSS data.
Budget Proposal System
Allows user to submit budget proposals via the web.
Beamline Statistics Menu
Query, entry and reporting of beamline statistics for ALD use only.
Beam Time Request System (GUP)
Allows any experimenter to submit a proposal to conduct an experiment at an APS beamline.
CAT HR Administration - Admin View
Administration application that allows users to maintain a list of personnel that currently fill different roles in each CAT.
CNM Proposal System
This application allows users to submit proposals to conduct an experiment at the CNM.
Conference Room Schedules
End of Experiment Form (EEF) (Admin)
This is a survey form that an experimenter is encouraged to fill out at the end of an experiment.
End of Experiment Form (EEF) (User)
This is a survey form that an experimenter is encouraged to fill out at the end of an experiment.
Equipment Reservation System - Detector Pool
Detector pool reservations system.
Experiment Safety Approval Form (ESAF)
Allows users the ability to submit a electronic form detailing the experiment they will be conducting with a particular emphasis on safety issues.
Equipment Tracking System
System to track equipment.
Experiment Database
Maintains a log of experiments conducted on the experiment floor.
Green Sheets
APS Effort Scheduling & Total Time Reporting.
System to allow users to perform life safety inspections.
Machine Component
System to track shielding components on APS equipment.
Machine Downtime Report - MCR
Main control room's downtime entry and reporting system.
Manage Temporary GUP Users
Screens to aid in managing parts of the GUP system.
Network Maintenance System
Power Panel System
Power Supplies Portal (Fault Repair, Notebook, Maint./Mod. etc.)
Fault Repair: Allows users to report faults on and log repairs performed on parts. Maint./Mod : Allows users to log maintenance and modification performed on parts.
Publications Database
Searchable compendium of information on results from research at the APS. It is the official source for listing APS-related publications, dissertations, abstracts, awards, and invited talks in order to produce a comprehensive record about research at the APS.
Shift Log
This system maintains a log of activities performed on the experiment floor during each shift.
SMART and LOTO applications
Safety applications allowing users to perform SMART and LOTO inspections.
SRO Management
View and print SRO status information and reports.
Suggestion Box
This application is called from the APS home page. It allows anyone who can access the page submit suggestions for review by the ALD.
Survey System | Survey Administration
System to allow surveys to be taken by APS personnel.
Techniques Directory
Listing of all beamlines organized by techniques supported at the beamline.
Training Management System: Profiles | History
Query TMS profiles or training history.
User Account Request | Administration
APS Computer Account request and management.
User Agreements | Reports | Appendix Production
Provides User Agreement management to the User Office.
User Database (CAT View)
Central database of APS users maintained by the User Office.
Work Request System: Public | Approver
Application for work requests.
Webi Business Objects
Access to InfoView (Webi) allows users to create their own queries on their data.
WBS Dictionary Report
Search and retrieve listings for APS work breakdown structures.
XSD Personnel Information
Page that allows users to look up personal contact information on APS personnel.
XSD-OPT Work Request
XSD-OPT Work Request.