The following is an incomplete listing of course available for synchrotrons and beam physics. |
United States Particle Accelerator School |
The US Particle Accelerator School provides educational programs in the field of beams and their associated accelerator technologies not otherwise available to the community of science and technology. |
Optical Society of America |
Short courses are taught at most of their meetings. Upcoming courses are listed on the meeting web-site. Past short courses may have been video-taped and copies are sometimes available through the presenters. |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) |
Short courses are offered at most meetings. Online and recorded courses are offered for sale. Many of the courses are for hard engineering, but the magnetics society, laser society, and Nuclear and Plasma Physics Societies are of interest to both beam and beam-line scientists. |
American Physical Society |
A variety of short courses, workshops and tutorials are offered at the respective meetings. |
CERN Accelerator School |
CERN accelerator school covers Synchrotron Radiation in the first and second courses with an occasional course on synchrotron radiation and FELs. |