The Advanced Photon Source will hold a hybrid workshop to explore ideas for potential first experiments at the POLAR beamline. This workshop will be held in person at the APS on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, from 9:00 to 17:00 CT. The workshop will also be streamed live, and remote attendees will be able to participate in discussions.
Please register for the POLAR First Experiments Workshop by filling out this registration form and indicating whether you will attend in person or virtually. Those attending in person will receive gate passes and instructions in a follow-up email. Those attending virtually will also receive instructions for how to join the meeting remotely in a follow-up e-mail. Please register by June 7.
A slide deck summarizing the new technical capabilities can be found here.
9:00 Welcome: Dean Haeffner, Argonne National Laboratory
9:05-9:30 Introduction: Daniel Haskel, Argonne National Laboratory
Theme 1: Reciprocal and real space imaging of electronic texture with Dichroic CDI and Tomography (Chair: Joerg Strempfer)
9:30-10:00 Prof. Motohiro Suzuki, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
10:00-10:30 Dr. Claire Donelly, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden
10:30-11:00 Dr. Suzanne te Velthuis, Argonne National Laboratory
11:00-11:30 Dr. Danny Mannix, European Spallation Source, Lund
11:30-11:45 Dr. Joerg Strempfer, Argonne National Laboratory
11:45-12:00 Open floor discussion, including 1-slide presentations from attendees (Moderator: Joerg Strempfer)
Lunch Break 12:00-13:00
Theme 2: Real space mapping and spectroscopy at extreme pressure conditions (Chair: Gilberto Fabbris)
13:00-13:30 Prof. Allison Altman, Texas A&M University
13:30-14:00 Dr. Maddury Somayazulu, HP-CAT, Argonne National Laboratory
14:00-14:30 Prof. Wenli Bi, University of Alabama at Birmingham
14:30-14:45 Dr. Gilberto Fabbris, Argonne National Laboratory
14:45-15:00 Open floor discussion including 1-slide presentations from attendees (Moderator: Gilberto Fabbris)
Coffee Break 15:00-15:30
Theme 3: Thin films and heterostructures, sample environments (Chair: Yongseong Choi)
15:00-15:30 Dr. Shua Sanchez, MIT
15:30-16:00 Dr. Jong-Woo Kim, Argonne National Laboratory
16:00-16:30 Prof. Dong Ryeol Lee, Soongsil University, Korea
16:30-16:45 Dr. Yongseong Choi, Argonne National Laboratory
16:45-17:00 Open floor discussion including 1-slide presentations from attendees (Moderator: Yongseong Choi)
17:00 Adjourn
18:00 Dinner – no host, confirmation required.